
These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology-savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.
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Thomas Dekker (1572?-1632)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: The Image of Moors in the Writings of Four Elizabethan Dramatists:
Peele, Dekker, Heywood, Shakespeare - Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan Elaskary [.pdf]
Dissertation: Speaking England: Nationalism(s) in Early Modern Literature and Culture - Christopher L. Morrow [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Female" Stage Props: Visualizing the Disappearing Woman on the Early Modern Stage - Amy R. Pollard [.pdf]
Thesis: Art of the Baser Sort: A Comparison of the Class Aspects
of Character and Morality in the Drama of Dekker and Shakespeare - Margret N. Nall [.pdf]
The Curious Connection Between
Nashe, Dekker, and Freemasonry - Donna N. Murphy[.pdf]
Marked Angels: Counterfeits, Commodities, and The Roaring Girl - Valerie Forman
Mary Frith, Alias Moll Cutpurse, in Life and Literature - Gustav Ungerer
Mad Moll and Merry Meg: The Roaring Girl as Popular Heroine in Elizabethan and Jacobean Writings - Patricia Shaw
Mary Frith at the Fortune - Mark Hutchings
The Roaring Girl de Dekker et Middleton: Moll Cutpurse ou le principe du théâtre - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
To kindle an industrious desire": The Poetry of Work in Lord Mayors' Shows - Kara Northway
Patient Grissil and Jonsonian Satire - Tom Rutter
Stuart Civic Pageants and Textual Performance - David M. Bergeron
Whose Saint Crispin's day is it?: Shoemaking, Holiday Making, and the Politics of Memory in Early Modern England - Alison A. Chapman
The Empress of Babylon's 'carbuncles and
rich stones': The Metaphorizing of the Pox in Dekker's The Whore of Babylon - Sarah Scott
The Trickster-figure in Jacobean City Comedy - William R. Dynes
Dramatic Nostalgia and Spectacular Conversion in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Holly Crawford Pickett
Making Death a Miracle: Audience and the
Genres of Martyrdom
in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Nova Myhill
Mary Magdalene on Stage:
"The Sinner in the City" and the Persistent Remnant of Catholic Culture in an Anglican Society - Frédérique Fouassier [.pdf]
Thomas Dekker - Algernon Charles Swinburne
On Marston, Chapman, Deckar, Webster - William Hazlitt
Excerpt from Thomas Dekker and the Traditions of English Drama - Larry S. Champion
The Social and Moral Philosophy of Thomas Dekker - George E. Thornton
Interrogating the Devil: Social and Demonic Pressure in The Witch of Edmonton - David Nicol
Performing cross-class clandestine marriage in The Shoemaker's Holiday - Amy L. Smith
Performing historicity in Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday - Brian Walsh
Marking difference and national identity in Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday - Andrew Fleck
"Honesty and vulgar praise": the Poet's War and the literary field - Edward Gieskes
'The Cittie is in an uproare': Staging London in The Booke of Sir Thomas More - Tracey Hill 
Political allegory in late Elizabethan and early Jacobean "Turk" plays: Lust's Dominion and The Turke - Claire Jowitt
'The Noble Spanish Soldier' and 'The Spanish Contract.' - Tirthankar Bose
Naming and Social Disintegration in "The Witch of Edmonton" - Richard W. Grinnell
Bethlem and Bridewell in The Honest Whore plays - Ken Jackson
Thomas Dekker's Political Commentary in 'The Whore of Babylon.' - Susan E. Krantz
Identifying Dekker's Third King in The Whore of Babylon - Susan E. Krantz
Gender and Eloquence in Dekker's The Honest Whore, Part II - Viviana Comensoli
Play-making, Domestic Conduct, and the Multiple Plot in The Roaring Girl - Viviana Comensoli
Women in Men's Clothing: Apparel and Social Stability in The Roaring Girl - Mary Beth Rose
Rehabilitating Moll's Subversion in The Roaring Girl - Jane Baston
The Shoemakers' Holiday, or the Gentle Craft - James H. Conover
Workshop and/as Playhouse: Comedy and Commerce in The Shoemaker's Holiday - David Scott Kastan
Dekker's Use of Serious Elements in Comedy: The Shoemakers' Holiday - Peggy Faye Shirley
The End(s) of Discord in The Shoemaker's Holiday - Martha Straznicky
Vulcan and Mars in The Shoemaker's Holiday - Michael Baird Saenger
Civic Institutions and Precarious Masculinity in Dekker's The Honest Whore - Jean E. Howard
Cross Dressing with a Difference: The Roaring Girl and Epicoene - David Cope
Thomas Dekker: Selections from Two Pamphlets - David Cope .doc
The Shoemaker's Holiday: Bridging Joy and Suffering - Ace G. Pilkington
The Shoemaker's Holiday: A Dramatic Parable - Michael Flachmann
The Theatricality of Transformation:
Cross-dressing and Gender/Sexuality Spectra on the Elizabethan Stage - Sara E. Gorman [.pdf]
Who is Having Sex in The Roaring Girl? - John Cornett
Capitalism as Gendered Discourse in Honest Whore (1604) and Chaste Maid of Cheapside (1613) - Lea K. Allen
Crossdressing in The Roaring Girl: The Issues - Helen Hull
Clothing and Society in Dekker and Middleton's The Roaring Girl - Megan S. at Oklahoma State U.

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Created by Anniina Jokinenon December 15, 1999. Last updated May 30, 2010.