
Miscellanies in Verse and Prose
To Mr. Dryden (1693)
A Translation of Virgil's Fourth Georgick (1694)
A Song for St. Cecilia's Day at Oxford (1694)
An Account of the Greatest English Poets (1694)
The Story of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, from Ovid's Metamorphoses (1694)
Prologue to Steele's The Tender Husband (1705)
Epilogue to Granville's The British enchanters: or no magic like love (1706)
Prologue to Smith's Phædra and Hippolitus (1709)
Epilogue to Philips' The Distressed Mother (1712) [doubtful attr.]
To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his Picture of the King (1716)
Divine Ode
The Countess of Manchester, at Paris
Horace. Ode III, Book III in The Muses Mercury (Feb. 1707)
Complete - Google Books
A Poem To His Majesty, Presented to the Lord Keeper (1695)
Complete - Google Books
An Essay on Virgil's Georgics (1697)
[in The Works of Virgil, tr. by Dryden]
Complete - Google Books
Latin poems, in Musarum anglicanarum analecta (1699)
[aka Poemata]
Complete - Google Books
A Letter from Italy, 1703 (pub. 1704)
Complete - Google Books
Contributions to Dryden's Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part. (1704)

Milton's Stile imitated (1704)

[translated from Book II of Ovid's Metamorphoses]
The Story of Phaeton - Google Books
Europa's Rape - Google Books

[translated from Book III of Ovid's Metamorphoses]
Complete - Google Books
The Campaign, A Poem, To His Grace the Duke of Marlborough (1705)
Complete - Google Books
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 (1705)
Complete - Google Books
Dramatic Works
Rosamond: An Opera (1707)
Complete - Google Books
Cato: A Tragedy (1713)
 Complete - Google Books
[ To her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales ]
The Drummer, or the Haunted House: A Comedy (1716)
Complete - Google Books
Contributions to The Tatler (1709-11)
Complete - Google Books
The Whig-Examiner (1710)
Complete - Google Books
Contributions to The Spectator (1711-1714)
[nos. 1-555 (1711-1712); nos. 556-635 (1714)]
List of the Contributors - Google Books
Vol I. 1-80.
Vol II. 81-169.
Vol III. 170-251.
Vol IV. 252-321.
Vol V. 322-394.
Vol VI. 395-473.
Vol VII. 474-555.
Vol VIII. 556-635.
Contributions to The Guardian (1713)
Complete - Google Books
Contributions to The Lover, by Marmaduke Myrtle, Gent. (1714)
[Nos. 10 & 39]
Complete - Google Books
The Free-Holder, or Political Essays (1715-16)
Complete - Google Books
Epilogue spoken at the Censorium on the King's birthday (1716)
[in Town-Talk no. 4 (6 Jan. 1716)]
Complete - Google Books
The Old Whig (1719)
[2 nos. (19 March; 2 April 1719)]
No. I - GB
No. II - GB
Other Prose Works
The Present State of the War and the Necessity of an Augmention Considered (1708)
Complete - Google Books
The Late Trial and Conviction of Count Tariff (1713)
Complete - Google Books
Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals (1721)
Complete - Google Books
The Evidences of the Christian Religion (1721)
Complete - Google Books
Works of Doubtful Attribution
A Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning (1739)
Complete (1739 Sixth Ed.) - Google Books
The Latin Prose and Poetry of Joseph Addison - Dana F. Sutton

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