Essays and Articles on Sir Francis Bacon

These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology-savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.

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Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) =Student Essay

Thesis: A Reconsideration of Bacon's Essays - Kathryn A. Starodub [.pdf]
Thesis: Ideals and Instances: Bacon's Essays and Themes in Hamlet - Diane Lee Henderson [.pdf]
Bacon, "Of Simulation and Dissimulation" - Martin Dzelzainis [.pdf]
Francis Bacon as Man of Letters - Stockton Axson [.pdf]
The Place of Francis Bacon in the History of Scientific Method - Griffith C. Evans [.pdf]
Francis Bacon and the Ideal Commonwealth - John W. Slaughter [.pdf]
Francis Bacon and Philosophic Thought - Radoslav A. Tsanoff [.pdf]
The Public Life of Francis Bacon - Samuel G. McCann [.pdf]
Francis Bacon and Jacobean Legitimation - José María Rodríguez García [.pdf]
Islomania? Insularity? The Myth of the Island in British Science Fiction - Paul Kincaid
Voyages et utopie scientifique dans La Nouvelle Atlantide de Bacon - Mickaël Popelard [.pdf]
Eutopias and Dystopias of Science - Lyman Tower Sargent
Bacon and the Politics of the Prudential Imagination - Todd Butler
Humanism and the Scientific Revolution: Bacon's Rejection of Aristotle - Stephen Varvis
The Clue to the Labyrinth: Francis Bacon and the Decryption of Nature - Peter Pesic
"Pruning by study": Self-cultivation in Bacon's Essays - John J. Miller
Design Argument in Scientific Discourse: Historical-Theological
          Perspective from the Seventeenth Century - John C. Hutchison
Bacon, Shakspere, and the Rosicrucians - Manly P. Hall
Francis Bacon's Theory of Communication and Media - Eric McLuhan
In Defense of Bacon - Alan Soble
Describing Machiavel: How Bacon Adapted Machiavelli - David Hurley
Imagining Alchemists and Magicians in New Atlantis, The Tempest, and The Alchemist - David Hurley
"Janus of Imagination": Francis Bacon's Theory of Imagination
          and the Wisdom of the Ancients - David Hurley
The Utopian Tradition: New Atlantis - Pierre Passerau
Francis Bacon's God - Stephen A. McKnight
Bacon and the Rose Cross - James Phinney Baxter
Bacon's Shadow - Terence Kealey
A Fictitious Bacon (response to Kealey) - Pete Langman
Navigating Bacon's New Atlantis - Pete Langman [.pdf]
No Place and New Worlds: The Early Modern Utopia - Chloë Houston [.pdf]
Francis Bacon and the True Ends of Skepticism - Barbara Friedberg
Bacon, Brought Home. (philosophy of Francis Bacon about natural world) - Stephen Jay Gould
Francis Bacon's Theory of Communication and Media - Eric McLuhan
Francis Bacon's "Verulamium" - Harvey Wheeler
Francis Bacon's Case of the Post-Nati: (1608) - Harvey Wheeler
Francis Bacon & Secret Societies - Michael Taylor
Essays on the Nothumberland Manuscripts - Martin Pares

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Site copyright ©1996-2010 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Created by Anniina Jokinenon June 19, 1996. Last updated on May 24, 2010.