 Image by the kind permission of Stephen Reimer

History and Literature
Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) - Luminarium Encyclopedia
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) - Luminarium Encyclopedia
The Middle Ages (to c1485) - Norton Topics Online
Religious Movements in the Fourteenth Century - Cambridge History, &c.
End of Europe's Middle Ages - University of Calgary
Some Important Events in the Fourteenth Century - Jane Zatta
Millennium Timeline: The 14th Century (1301 - 1400) - Greenwich 2000
Millennium Timeline: The 15th Century (1401 - 1500) - Greenwich 2000
Cultural Timeline of the Middle Ages - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Medieval Timeline Reference - Mark Needham
The Crusades - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Literature and the Middle Time - Gerald Seaman
The Digital Dante Project - Columbia University
Bede: Conversion of England - Medieval Sourcebook
English Peasants' Revolt 1381 - Medieval Sourcebook
Maps of Medieval England - Alison Stones
Middle English
Middle English Dictionary - UMichigan
The Prosody of Old and Middle English - Cambridge History, &c.
Changes in the Language to the Days of Chaucer - Cambridge History, &c.
The English Language in the Fourteenth Century - Harvard Chaucer Page
Middle English Pronunciation Guidelines - Teresa P. Reed
Middle English Language Overview Bibliography - Oxford Bibliographies
Middle English Phonology: General Principles - Prof. Arnie Sanders
The Great Vowel Shift - Harvard
The Great Vowel Shift - Melinda J. Menzer
A Basic Chaucer Glossary - Edwin Duncan
Middle English Glossary - Harvard
Glossarial Database of Middle English - UMichigan
Medieval Manuscripts and Illumination
Medieval Manuscript Manual - Central European University, Budapest
The Aberdeen Bestiary Project - University of Aberdeen *annotated*
The British Library: Digital Library
Camridge University Digital Library - Cambridge University
Western Manuscripts to c.1500 - Bodleian Library, Oxford University
Bestiaire du Moyen Âge - Medieval Bestiary - Bibliothèque nationale de France
Manuscripts from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Netherlands
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library
Medieval Manuscripts - The Getty Museum
Digital Vatican Libraries
Illuminated Paintings - Prof. Clare Kinney
Leaves of Gold: Treasures of Manuscript Illumination - Philadelphia Collections
Scriptorium - BYU
The Age of King Charles V (1338-1380) - The Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Miniatures des manuscrits de l'Université de Liège - l'Université de Liège
Medieval Manuscript Resources - McMaster University
La Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM)
Bibliotheca Schoenbergensis - UPenn
Medieval Art
Art of the Middle Ages - Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Index of Medieval Art - Princeton University
Italian Painting of the Later Middle Ages - Jennifer Meagher
Medieval Art: Characteristics and Influences - Invaluable
Proto-Renaissance in Italy (1200-1400) - Jennifer Sarathy
The Most Famous Gothic Paintings - Art in Context
Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church - Anne Marshall
Medieval Artistry - Dr. Schwartz
The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries - Musée de Cluny
Medieval Architecture
Medieval Architecture: Castles and Cathedrals - BBC4
Cathedral Building in the Middle Ages - Durham World Heritage
Medieval Architecture: The Rose Window - THL Eldred Ælfwald
Medieval Architecture - English Heritage
Medieval Architecture - Columbia University
Medieval Archaeology Overview Bibliography - Oxford Bibliographies
Medieval Science and Technology
Medieval Cosmology - Luminarium Encyclopedia
The Medieval Universe - UVictoria
Medieval Science and Mathematics - British Library
History of Medieval Science: Research Guide - University of Cambridge
The Medieval Science Page - James McNelis
The Medieval Technology Timeline - Paul J. Gans
History of Technology (500-1500) - Britannica
7 Ingenious Inventions of the Middle Ages - English Heritage
Medieval Science & Scientific Instruments - Richard A. Paselk
The Planets and Their Children: A Blockbook of Medieval Popular Astrology - M. Hansen
Medieval Medicine
Medicine and Diseases in Medieval Britain - BBC4
Medicine in the Middle Ages - British Library
Medicine and Biology: Ancient Theories, Modern Bodies - Vatican Exhibit
Curious Cures: Medieval Medicine - Cambridge Libraries
Medicine in the Middle Ages - Rachel Hajar
Misconceptions about Medieval Medicine - Bryon Grigsby
Medieval Medicine Overview Bibliography - Oxford Bibliographies
The Plague
The History of the Plague - National Library of Medicine
The Black Death in Europe - Britannica
The Black Death in Europe - The History Channel
The Black Death - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Pictures of the Plague - Ed Stephan
Effects of Plague on Medieval Society - Fisher, Meuti, and Klooster
The Black Death - Medievalists.net
Medieval Woman
Women in the Middle Ages - Getty Museum
Women in the Middle Ages - World History Encyclopedia
Medieval Women - BBC4
Medieval Women and their Occupations in Chaucer's Time - Michelle Cogan
Character Tropes for Women in Medieval Literature - UDelaware
Bibliography: The Education of Upper-Class Englishwomen - Sharon Deborah Michalove
Medieval Women: Tradition and Counter-Tradition - Dr. Deborah Everhart
The Use of Power and Influence by a Medieval Woman - Tina Cooper
Medieval Feminist Index - Margaret Schaus
Women Writers in Chaucer's Time - Harvard
Bibliography of Women Writers of the Middle Ages - University of Rochester
Medieval Women's Guides to Food During Pregnancy - Melitta Weiss-Amer [.pdf]
The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women - C. W. Bynum
The Village Ale-Wife: Women and Brewing in 14th-Century England - Judith M. Bennett
Medieval Life
Medieval Estates and Orders: Making and Breaking Rules - Norton Topics Online
The Three Estates & The Great Chain of Being - Prof. B. Magee
English and Scottish Education - Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Romantic Love as Fiction and as Life - Brother Anthony of Taize
The Medieval Child: an Unknown Phenomenon? - Sophie Oosterwijk
Misconceptions about the Middle Ages: An Austere Age without Laughter - M. George
Fifteenth-Century Life - Richard III Society
The Middle Ages - Annenberg/CPB Project
Medieval Society - Dr. E. L. Skip Knox
Life & Manners - Harvard
Medieval Price List - Kenneth Hodges
Medieval and Renaissance Games - Justin du Coeur
Ancient & Medieval Falconry: Origins & Functions in Medieval England - S. E. Carroll
Delights of Life in Fifteenth-century England - A. Compton Reeves
Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages - James L. Matterer
Music and Audio
Music in England - UVictoria
Mediæval Music MIDI Files - Curtis Clark
A Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - Musica Antiqua
Lute Iconography before 1500 - Wayne Cripps
Medieval Music - Sydney Higgins
Medieval and Renaissance Music Research Page - Mulcheng
A Concise Guide to Medieval Instruments - Chris Thurtle
Music for the Ages: The Influence of Gregorian Chant
Medieval Music - Medieval Chronicles
Medieval Drama
An Introduction to Medieval Drama - Luminarium
Medieval Drama: Staging Contexts - Folger Shakespeare Library
Medieval English Staging - Kamath, Pillai, et al.
Baragona's Medieval Drama Page - Alan Baragona
Medieval Drama Links - Sydney Higgins
Bibliography of Medieval English Drama - Robbins Library / URochester
Medieval Food and Drink
Medieval Gastronomy - BnF
A Boke of Gode Cookery - James L. Matterer
Dining in State: A High Cuisine Guide - Thomas L. Coles
Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage - Greg Lindahl
Some Basic Aspects of Medieval Cuisine - Paul Freedman [.pdf]
Food, Status and Religion in England in the Middle Ages - Annie Grant [.pdf]
Fast Food in Medieval Europe - Vickie L. Ziegler [.pdf]
Medieval Women's Guides to Food During Pregnancy - Melitta Weiss-Amer [.pdf]
The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women - C. W. Bynum
The Medieval Application of Medical Theory to Feasting - Kristen M. Burkholder
Medieval/Renaissance Brewing Homepage - Greg Lindahl
The Economics of Medieval English Brewing - Karl Hagen
The Village Ale-Wife: Women and Brewing in 14th-Century England - Judith M. Bennett
Medieval Food, Drink, and Diet Bibliography - Oxford Bibliographies
Medieval Food - Medieval Chronicles
Medieval Costume
Medieval Clothing and Dress - Britannica
Medieval Clothing - Medieval Chronicles
Modesty to Majesty: The Development of the Codpiece - Beth Marie Kosir
Medieval Clothing - The Annenberg/CPB Project
Footwear of the Middle Ages - I. Marc Carlson
Costume in 15th Century Northern Europe - Tara Maginnis
Medieval Costumes - Sydney Higgins
Knights and Chivalry
Medieval Knights - Britannica
Age of Chivalry - BBC4
Chivalry - P.J.P. Goldberg
Bibliography on Chivalry - Bella Millett
The Crusades: Eschatological Lemmings, Younger Sons, Papal Hegemony and Colonialism - Jessalynn Byrd
Movies on Arthurian Themes
The Camelot Project - University of Rochester
Tournaments and Chivalric Ceremony - Harvard
How a Man Shall be Armyd - Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library
Knighthood, Chivalry, and Tournaments Resource Library
Bibliography on Chivalry - Bella Millett
Bibliography: The Education of Upper-Class Englishwomen - Sharon Deborah Michalove
Chaucer and Middle English Literature Bibliography - Stephen R. Reimer
Medieval Medical Bibliography - Robert A. Laures
Medieval Movies Bibliography - Paul Halsall
Medieval Cookbooks - An Annotated Bibliography - Judy Gerjuoy
Bibliography of Medieval English Drama - Robbins Library / URochester
Judaism in Medieval Europe - Sharan Newman
Fifteenth Century Life: An Annotated Bibliography - Judie C. Gall
Medieval Medicine Overview Bibliography - Oxford Bibliographies
Medieval and Literature Sites
The Middle English Compendium - UMichigan
Internet Medieval Sourcebook - Paul Halsall
VoS English Literature:Anglo-Saxon and Medieval - Alan Liu
Medieval History and Literature Page - Grover Furr
Literary Resources -- Medieval - Jack Lynch
Medieval Academy of America
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Created on July 28, 1996 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated on February 24, 2023.
Middle English Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer
John Gower
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
William Langland / Piers Plowman
Julian of Norwich
Margery Kempe
Thomas Malory / Morte D'Arthur
John Lydgate
Thomas Hoccleve
Paston Letters
Medieval Plays
Middle English Lyrics
Essays and Articles
Medieval Cosmology
Historical Events and Persons
Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
Edward III
Edward, Black Prince of Wales
Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
Thomas of Woodstock, Gloucester
Richard of York, E. of Cambridge
Richard II
Henry IV
Edward, Duke of York
Henry V
Thomas, Duke of Clarence
John, Duke of Bedford
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Catherine of Valois
Charles VII, King of France
Joan of Arc
Louis XI, King of France
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
Causes of the Wars of the Roses
The House of Lancaster
The House of York
The House of Beaufort
The House of Neville
Henry VI
Margaret of Anjou
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
Edward IV
Elizabeth Woodville
Edward V
Richard III
George, Duke of Clarence
More at Encyclopedia