
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Dryden - A. W. Ward
- Dryden and his Age
- His Parentage and Education
- Heroick Stanzas on Cromwell
- Astraea Redux and other Panegyrics
- Annus Mirabilis
- Dryden’s Productivity as a Dramatist
- Influence of French Tragicomedy and Romance
- The Wild Gallant and other Comedies: The Spanish Fryar
- The Heroic Couplet in Drama
- Dryden and the Heroic Play: The Conquest of Granada
- The Satire of The Rehearsal
- Essay Of Heroick Plays
- Aureng-Zebe
- Dryden’s Adaptation of Shakespearean Plays and Themes
- The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy
- His Later Plays: Don Sebastian and Cleomenes
- Dryden’s Work as a Dramatist
- Prologues and Epilogues
- Dryden Poet Laureate
- The “Rose-alley ambuscade”
- Political Satire: Absalom and Achitophel, Part I
- The Medal
- Mac Flecknoe
- Absalom and Achitophel, Part II
- Didactic Poetry: Religio Laici
- Death of Charles II and Accession of James II: Threnodia Augustalis and Britannia
- Conversion to the Church of Rome
- The Hind and the Panther
- Various Later Work in Verse and Prose: Miscellanies
- Translations: Fables Ancient and Modern
- Preface to the Fables
- Odes, Songs and Hymns
- Dryden’s Enemies and Younger Literary Friends
- His Great Qualities as a Writer of Verse and Prose
- His Excellence in Various Literary Species
- His Originality that of Treatment
- The Eminence of his Genius
Select Bibliography - Bonamy Dobrée
Notes on Dryden - Prof. Arnie Sanders
Notes on Dryden - Dr. Bruce Magee
Notes on Dryden's "Essay of Dramatic Poesy" - Michael Bryson

Site copyright ©1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved. Page created by Anniina Jokinen on May 11, 2002. Last updated July 7, 2011.