Verses ascribed to John Webster on the unique 1633 edition of
a 1625 engraving of King James and his family, living and dead.

British Library Catalogue: BL 1849-3-15-15

Hev propere nimis coronandae
Haec cum parca duo dulcia pignora regis
flebilis agnouit crimen et erebuit
When Fate before their due matured tyme
Pulled these two branches from their royal stem
The Fates themselues confest their heedles crime
And in acknowledgment did blush for shame.

Diis Genita; & magnos progeniture Deos
Happy Coniunction which to men doth show,
So blest an Influence, such blisse below;
The same as when in their high sphears aboue
The God of War do meet and Queene of Loue.

Mors sceptra hegionibus aequat.
Queene Ann resignes her Scepter vnto fate,
and yet in death you may obserue her State
which outshines all the Iewels of the Crowne,
shee left behind her, a most deare renowne:

Tu decus omne tuis
Ars vtinam mores animumque essingere posset
pulchrior in terris nulla Tabella soret.
Could Art his guiftes of mind express as well.
no Picture in the World should this excell.

Vno Auulsumon deficit Alter.
Prince Henry (to our generalI sorrow) died
eure his beloued Sister was a bride;
Never did a great Spright earlier shoot
but the Prime blossomes seldome become fruict

Virescit vulnere virtus
Great in thy birth, & greater in thy choice,
but absolutely greatest in the voice
proclaimes thee constant, vnder fortun's spight
 thus envy, death and hell thou putst to flight


Vnica semper auis
One Phoenix at a Tyme, and this is shee:
sweet as her funerall nest of Spicery
o may your father, from your fruictful wombe.
plant vniversalI peace in christendome.
                Haec composuit�loannes Webster

Ranald, Margaret Loftus. John Webster.
Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989.  114-115.
